Air Quality Update

        Sierra Nevada Masters Swimmers: Northwest Pool   Northwest Pool Swim Workout on Saturday September 4, 2021 The City of Reno Recreation Supervisor expects an unhealthy AQI outdoors on Saturday morning. He is partially relying on the below National Weather Service smoke forecast map (1).   Accordingly, SNM will change our swim workout this Saturday, September 4th to Northwest Pool.   HRRR Near Surface Smoke forecast_Reno Saturday 9-4-2021 at 6 am.jpg   (1) Comment on Map Data The above National Weather Service map shows the Saturday 6:00 am forecast in μg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter). This is actually a time-lapse forecast temporarily accessible Here. Once converted to AQI (as displayed by AirNow and PurpleAir) it will have a higher value (i.e. 232 μg/m3 is approximately 282 AQI). I am not an air quality scientist, so apologies if I messed up this explanation.   Labor Day? Swim workout at Idlewild on Monday September 6 (5:30-7 am), will be contingent on outside AQI. If unacceptable, we will swim at Northwest Pool which will be contingent on inside AQI.   Thanks. John Pettibone.

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