Holiday Giving & Dec. Workout Sched – UPDATE

Sierra Nevada Masters Swimmers:
Face Covering Violation – workout cancelation Saturday 12/18/2021
Unfortunately, SNM had multiple face covering violations at the Saturday 12/11/2021 swim workout. I quote the report from the City of Reno Recreation Supervisor, Aquatics & Athletics:
“One swimmer in particular violated the policy on 3 occasions and, when addressed by staff, said he didn’t need to wear one. At the end of the session 16 male swimmers and 3-4 female swimmers entered the locker room without masks.
Our staff does not enjoy being the “mask police” and we are pretty reasonable when it comes to enforcing, but Saturday had multiple violations. We look forward to OSHA Guidelines and City Policy changing, but until it does, we have to stick to the policy.”
According to City of Reno Policy (portions restated below), SNM has been suspended from swim workout on Saturday 12/18/2021.
POLICY As per Governor directives, swimmers must wear a face covering at all times when not actively swimming. ● Swimmers can leave their face covering at their bag or at a designated site on the pool deck prior to getting into the pool. ● Masks cannot be left in the locker room. ● Upon exiting the water, swimmers must immediately walk directly to and put their face covering on immediately. ● Coaches will be notified if it is determined by a City of Reno staff that a swimmer or swimmers have been out of the pool and failed in putting their face covering on within a reasonable amount of time. ● It is the swim team coaches responsibility to direct swimmers to put their face coverings on immediately upon exiting the water. ● Social distancing of swimmers by 6 feet is to be maintained by keeping a safe space between yourself and other individuals not belonging to the same household. DISCIPLINE ● If a swim team coach is notified three or more times on a single day in violation of face covering policies, the team will be suspended from swimming the following scheduled day. The team will be notified that day about the suspension for the following day. ● If a team is suspended from swimming twice in a 7-day period, the team will have swimming privileges suspended for the following 7-day period. As last mentioned in April 2021, more than half of our SNM swimmers present then were vaccinated (more so now). Remembering to use a mask can slip a bit when fully vaccinated. The City is aware of the increasing vaccination rates, however, it is compelled to follow Washoe County Health and State of Nevada existing COVID-19 Directives (until changes are officially communicated to the City). SNM swimmers, assuming we all want to continue swimming at a City of Reno pool, are likewise required to continue following these Directives. |
SNM Swim Workout Schedule – December 2021
Northwest Pool will be closed for annual maintenance and cleaning from Monday 12/13 through Friday 12/17 at 3:30pm. Saturday 12/18 the pool will be open for SNM workout at our normal 6:00 am – 7:30 am time. Water temperature may be lower initially as the pool will still be heating up. Accordingly, SNM will swim at Carson Aquatic Center on Monday to Thursday, 12/13-12/16. Swim use times will start at 5:45 am and may end at 7:00 am.

SNM Holiday Giving (in lieu of SNM Holiday Party)
As in years past, SNM will be collecting contributions to The Food Bank of Northern Nevada. Please hand deliver a check made out to The Food Bank of Northern Nevada to coach Steve Lintz by December 24th. SNM will be tallying these contributions on our workout whiteboard over the next few weeks. Our goal is to exceed a total collection of $2,500 (which SNM has collected in the past).
2022 USMS Registration Renewal
Swimmers, please renew your USMS Registration for 2022.
Updated SNM Website
Please visit the updated SNM Website at Bulletins such as this will be posted there (they will pop up as “Flash Bulletins”). Thank you to Jim Lawrie for all his expertise and work in updating this and the Donner Lake Swim websites!
Stay healthy. Enjoy the upcoming holiday activities! Happy New Year!
John Pettibone
Laura Harsh, Vice President
Jim Lawrie, Treasurer
Janelle Devia, Secretary
Ed Henricks
Rich Wait