Spring 2023 Announcements

Sierra Nevada Masters Swimmers:
USMS Spring Nationals (SCY) April 27 – April 30, 2023
Congratulations to our 23 SNM swimmers who participated at Spring Nationals in Irvine, California! Spring National Results. SNM placed 28th out of almost 300 teams.

2023 Annual Coach Appreciation Week
Ok, this notice is a week late. I blame our long Winter and late Spring. It’s never too late to show our SNM coaches our appreciation.
“This is THE week! Where would Pacific Masters be without our dedicated coaches? Whether it is providing stroke instruction, helping us stay injury free, or just keeping us sane, our coaches are an essential element of our swimming routine and of our organization.
Despite their importance, it is easy to take our coaches for granted and forget to thank them for their efforts. For this reason, Pacific Masters Swimming established the Annual Pacific Masters Coach Appreciation Week designated as the first week in May.
While we encourage our members to regularly thank their coaches, please consider Coach Appreciation Week as an opportunity to let them know how much you value their efforts. Here are some ideas:
- A card or email telling the coach how their instruction helped you accomplish a goal
- A gift card for coffee, ice cream, a movie, or other treat
- Flowers, candy, a book, bottle of wine, or whatever you think your coach may enjoy
- A massage or spa day
- A certificate for a weekend getaway or special meal.”
Thank you for supporting those who support you!

SNM Swim Workout Update – Idlewild Pool on Saturday
May 20, 2023
Saturday morning swim workouts at Idlewild Pool in long course orientation are scheduled to start on May 20. 2023 (usual Saturday time of 6:00 am to 7:30 am).
Once City of Reno lifeguard staffing (and weather) allows, weekday mornings will also move to Idlewild. For now, we expect to continue swimming weekday mornings at Northwest Pool through May. Hopefully weekday mornings at Idlewild will start on Monday, June 5, 2023? More updates from our coaches as we get closer.

Silver State Masters Long Course Meet
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Carson City Aquatic Center
As confirmed at the inaugural swim meet last year, this is a great opportunity for SNM swimmers to compete locally and obtain official long course times! SNM is again hosting this event with Carson Tigersharks Masters. Entries at Club Assistant will be open soon and will be limited to 125 swimmers. More on this once the swim meet media is fully set up.

The 42nd Annual Donner Lake Swim is on Saturday, August 12, 2023.
Registration opens Wednesday, June 1, 2023, at 8:30am Pacific Time.
The swim is limited to 450 swimmers. Once we reach 450 participants, registration will close.
All registrants must have a USMS membership to register. Your registration fee of $85 is nonrefundable in the event the swim is cancelled for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to registered swimmer non participation, cancellation of the event at any time for any reason, or for any other reason not listed.
Registration will be at www.clubassistant.com