SNM Survey and Other Updates

SNM Membership Survey
Your Board of Directors would most appreciate your feedback to a few questions regarding SNM swimming. Check your email from 8/28/23 for the announcement and link to the survey. If you can’t find the message, email Jim Lawrie.
As an incentive to complete this survey, one SNM member response will be selected at random to receive a free workout pass for 3 months. One response entry is allowed per SNM member. The survey is open until midnight on Saturday, September 16, 2023.

Idlewild Pool Calendar
Idlewild Pool current closure is scheduled for September 25, 2023. Enjoy our remaining 24 days outside.
On Monday, September 25, 2023, SNM swim workouts will move indoors to Northwest Pool (no change in workout times).
Moana Springs Community Aquatics & Fitness Center

On Wednesday, August 16, 2023, a “topping” ceremony was held at the new Moana Pool site where the final structural steel beam for the project was signed and lifted into place.
For project updates drive by or see Moana Springs Updates
Thank you.
SNM Swimming Board of Directors
John Pettibone, President
Laura Harsh, Vice President
Jim Lawrie, Treasurer
Janelle Devia, Secretary
Ed Henricks
Rich Wait
Courtney Weddle