SNM 2024 Summer Schedule – Update

Silver State Masters Long Course Meet
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Carson City Aquatic Center
Registration is open and closes at 11:59 pm on Friday, July 5, 2024.
This is a wonderful opportunity for SNM swimmers to compete locally and obtain official long course times!
In our 2023 SNM membership survey, 40% ranked competition as important to most important. Time to get on those starting blocks! Oops, Nevada City Penguins with less than half our USMS membership currently have more registered swimmers for this event compared to SNM.
Other Events: The Olympic Games in Paris are scheduled to start July 26, 2024. Pacific Masters Long Course Championships, in Novato CA, are scheduled for August 2-4, 2024. Donner Lake Swim, which is also a fundraiser for SNM, volunteers needed August 10, 2024. USMS Summer Nationals, in Mission Viejo, CA, are scheduled for August 21–25, 2024.

Stroke Instruction Clinic, Saturday, August 3, 2024, at Idlewild Pool
Alternative – Special Distance Workout
Many of you requested more personalized stroke instruction in the 2023 survey results. SNM is planning a personalized swim stroke clinic on Saturday morning, August 3, 2024. This is an opportunity for you to pick the technique(s) you would like to improve and have a more personalized instruction experience. Don’t forget to work on your start and turns.
ur current plan, which could evolve depending on interest, is to start the stroke clinic around 7:00 am with 15-minute sessions. We have recruited additional instructors as our membership includes individuals who have taught/coached swimming technique, We have some flexibility of pool use lanes and time as all the youth teams will be out of town at a swim meet.
Please contact Ed Henricks to save your spot in the stroke clinic and let him know what your instruction focus may be and preferred time slot. First come first serve (no fee). Ed will organize this event based on sign-ups, time slots, and available instructors.
We will have our regular short course Saturday morning workout from 6:00 am – 7:30 am that same morning.
Special Distance Workout
As we have an option for additional pool use time and lanes on Saturday August 3, 2024, if distance swimmers might be interested in a separate ‘special’ appendage of yardage in a 2-hour workout from 6:00 am – 8:00 am, please let Dave Brancamp know (after July 10th). Dave will help plan this event and tells me this special distance workout (no sprints) may be a good tune up for those swimming the Donner Lake Swim on August 10th.

Workout Schedule at Idlewild Pool, Summer 2024
As a reminder, outdoor swimming access may be subject to weather conditions, including actual or forecast air quality conditions. There have been times in summers past when we had to return to Northwest Pool indoors due to such circumstances. The City of Reno will attempt to alert us in advance of any such circumstances.
Early Saturday Workout: There is one remaining youth swim meet planned for Idlewild Pool on Saturday July 13, 2024 (NNA) – FYI same day as Trans Tahoe Relay. Thus, SNM workout time will be 5:30 am – 7:00 am and likely in long course orientation that Saturday.
As a reminder, normal Saturday workout time otherwise is 6:00 am – 7:30 am.
No workout is scheduled for Saturday, August 10, 2024, due to SNM hosting the Donner Lake Swim. Volunteers needed.
When the Moana Pool opens (planned for late August), we pivot from Idlewild Pool to the new Moana Pool. Previous correspondence has referred to Make Moana Better regarding the locker rooms. We all look forward to the opening of the new Moana Pool and SNCA will follow up with any improvement activity and recommendations afterwards

Pacific Masters Swim Meet Results
Congratulations to all SNM swimmers who attended the Pacific Masters Short Course Yard Championships May 17 – 19, 2024 at the new North Natomas Aquatic Center, Sacramento, CA. Coach Steve’s handwritten SNM team results.
The Olympic Games in Paris are scheduled to start July 26, 2024.
Pacific Masters Swim Meet
Pacific Masters Long Course Championships, in Novato CA, are scheduled for August 2-4, 2024. USMS Summer Nationals, in Mission Viejo, CA, are scheduled for August 21–25, 2024.

Donner Lake Swim 2024
The 43rd Annual Donner Lake Swim will be on Saturday, August 10, 2024.
Registration on June 5, 2024, went to the maximum of 450 participants within 14 minutes.
Volunteers for race day are needed including motorized boats, kayakers, and assistance at the start/finish. This is a fundraiser for SNM which helps to reduce our membership fees. Please see more volunteer information at or contact Laura Harsh at
2024 Pacific Masters Eight Bridges Virtual Swim Goes Hollywood!
Saturday, June 1, 2024, to Monday, September 30, 2024: Swimmers log pool and/or open water swims to move virtually from bridge to bridge across the San Francisco Bay. As an unsanctioned event, all are invited to participate. No awards, just heaps of fun, personal satisfaction, and bragging rights. It’s also an easy opportunity to swim in support of a terrific Bay Area nonprofit.
For registration go to Questions? Contact the event director:
Enjoy our summer weather
Thank you.
SNM Swimming Board of Directors
John Pettibone, President
Laura Harsh, Vice President
Jim Lawrie, Treasurer
Janelle Devia, Secretary
Ed Henricks
Rich Wait
Courtney Weddle