SNM 2024 End of Summer Schedule

Moana Pool swim workouts start Saturday, August 24, 2024. Yay!
Our first workout at the new Moana Pool will be Saturday, August 24, 2024, starting at 6:00 am. For now, we have reserved lanes as follows in short course orientation – lanes 8 feet wide (a more comfortable extra foot compared to our previous Northwest Pool indoor experience):
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
5:30 am – 6:30 am, up to 10 lanes
6:30 am – 7:00 am, 8 lanes – we actually have reserved 10 lanes in case of membership growth due to the new Moana Pool.
Usually, many SNM swimmers leave the workout around 6:30 am. It does not make sense to pay for lanes we are not using. This lane reduction during a workout may require the coaches to direct and swimmers to rejuggle themselves down to the remaining lanes. We may further adjust this last half hour lane reservation based on splash count and/or your feedback.
Tuesday & Thursday
5:30 am – 7:00 am, 8 lanes (for now, we may reduce reservation depending on use)
12 noon – 1:30 pm. 1 lane. THIS IS NEW!
I encourage you to try this out. No coach on deck, so no USMS insurance will apply. This reservation is an experiment. SNM rented noon-time lanes at Idlewild and NW Pool many years ago when we were allowed to do so. At that time, SNM swimmers would either make up a group workout or have access to the morning workout whiteboard. In order to enter Moana at this time, you may be required to show your USMS membership card. For those that attend, please give us feedback. If usage is insufficient, this reservation may disappear.
6:00 am – 7:00 am up to 10 lanes
7:00 am – 7:30 am, 8 lanes (youth team claims our extra 2 lanes)
SNM would like to increase its membership now that the availability of lanes has increased with the new Moana Pool. Hence the reservation of extra lanes from the beginning, otherwise, FMO may become a reality as other users might claim and lock in the extra lanes.
Upcoming Schedule Exceptions:
Monday, September 2, 2024 – Labor Day
6:00 am – 7:30 am up to 10 lanes (youth teams start at 7:30 am)
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 – Moana Pool closed for ribbon cutting ceremony.
SNM swim at Northwest Pool (enjoy the locker rooms)5:30 am – 7:00 am, 8 lanes

Outdoor soaking pool after winter workout anyone?

SNM Membership Fee Increase
On June 11, 2024, we proactively asked for an update from the City of Reno Aquatics as to pool use fees starting with the new fiscal year on July 1, 2024. Historically, the fees have increased by a nominal amount. On June 17, 2024, we were shocked to learn that pool use fees for swim teams and all user groups were being increased dramatically.
Define dramatic City of Reno pool use fee increase.
In the past 5 years, NW Pool annual usage fee increases averaged 7% and Idlewild
Pool annual usage fee increases averaged 3%. Pool use fees for SNM will increase
costs by 93% to 108% depending on days and lanes we decide to reserve. That
is a cost increase to SNM ranging from ~$25,000 to ~$29,000.
Why did this happen? The City of Reno Aquatics budget for its fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, has an approximate cost increase of $1,256,000 or 92% compared to the prior fiscal year. Most of this is a result of additional personnel and supplies needed to operate the new Moana Facility. According to Parks and Recreation staff, City of Reno Finance directed P&R to increase all user fees to cover this increased cost based on expected user headcount (and swim team use).
SNM needs to increase membership fees. The last increase in SNM membership fees was January 1, 2020 (almost 5 years ago). To remain a viable nonprofit entity, SNM needs to increase its membership fees to cover its increased cost and fit the value proposition we offer to our membership. We have had at least 35 new workout attendees in the past 6-8 weeks. Dues paying workout head count increase will not cover this cost increase alone if we need more lanes. Conversely, if we lose significant membership due to price increases (price elasticity), that may require lane reservation adjustments. One proposed version of a membership fee increase is a straight 46% increase across the existing membership types as shown in the below chart. There are other options, including timing of implementation, which the Board will debate after your feedback and a few weeks swimming at Moana.
There may be an opportunity for “scholarships” whereby we piggyback onto the City of Reno program to reduce pool use fees for specific individual users that can prove their financial circumstances of need. Such a discount process is in an initial stage of development. If you need consideration for a SNM membership fee discount please discuss with Jim Lawrie, SNM Treasurer or another Board Member.
We would like your feedback regarding a proposed SNM membership fee increase before we blindly implement it. What do you value in SNM workouts (more or fewer lanes, time of day, etc.) and what pricing reflects that value? It may be helpful to swim in the new Moana Pool to understand the value and pricing increase. This may entail back-and-forth discussion amongst membership and our Board of Directors / Head Coach.
Within the next two weeks, please reach out to the following SNM members in person to discuss your thoughts on this matter:
Janelle Devia
Ed Henricks
Rich Wait
Courtney Weddle
Steve Lintz
Or by email:
Jim Lawrie
Laura Harsh
John Pettibone

Donner Lake Swim 2024
The 43rd Annual Donner Lake Swim on Saturday, August 10, 2024, was a success! Thank you to all our volunteers that made this event happen, and especially to Laura Harsh, our event leader. Thank you to the swimmers that signed up and swam in this event.
Save the Date – Sunday, March 2, 2025
Similar to the long course swim meet SNM has cohosted these past 3-years, SNM has reserved the new Moana Pool for a short course swim meet on Sunday, March 2, 2025. The swim meet is intended to give our membership an opportunity to get official times prior to the short course championship meets. For you long distance swimmers, we are currently considering a long-distance event with limited heat/splash count (first registrants get the lanes). Membership, please let us know your thoughts on this short course swim meet in terms of your interest, date, events, etc.
Enjoy the new Moana Aquatic Facility!
Thank you.
SNM Swimming Board of Directors
John Pettibone, President
Laura Harsh, Vice President
Jim Lawrie, Treasurer
Janelle Devia, Secretary
Ed Henricks
Rich Wait
Courtney Weddle