Sierra Nevada Masters
at Truckee (SNMAT)
Sierra Nevada Masters welcomes our new workout group in Truckee, CA. The group will begin formal workouts on January 4, 2022 at the Truckee-Donner Community Pool (see below). Email Sarah Clement for information about the SNM Truckee workout group and visit our FaceBook page (you must join the SNMAT FB group to see all information).
Initially, 4 lanes will be designated for exclusive use by the SNM Truckee workout group. Depending on demand, we may be able to increase the number of workout days each week. Lane use will be organized according to ability to allow all our swimmers to enjoy their workouts.
If you want to participate in the SNMAT workouts, using the designated lanes, Membership in US Masters Swimming is required by both SNMAT and the Truckee-Donner Recreation District. US Masters Swimming offers a Trial Membership good for 30 calendar days. If you wish to continue working out with SNMAT after the Trial Membership expires, you must become a regular member of US Masters Swimming and renew the USMS membership annually (we’ll remind you as the end of the year approaches). You’re also free to join USMS without an initial Trial Membership. Please affiliate with Sierra Nevada Masters at Truckee (SNMAT) when you join US Masters Swimming.
Presently, SNMAT charges no fees to its members. Truckee-Donner Community Swimming Pool charges for entry and use of the facilities. Please visit the Truckee-Donner Community Swimming Pool website for information about fees and operating hours.
Drop-ins are welcome. If you are a visitor and you wish to swim in the designated SNMAT lanes, you must have a current USMS membership. In addition, the Truckee-Donner Community Swimming Pool charges for entry and use of the facilities. See the Truckee-Donner Community Swimming Pool website for more information.
7:00 am to 8:30 am
Workouts are provided by coach Amy Bradley.
7:00 am to 8:30 am
Workouts are provided by coach Amy Bradley.
Note: Because there is no coach on deck during workouts at the Truckee Recreation Center pool, US Masters Swimming insurance is not applicable (see USMS insurance guidelines).
Truckee-Donner Community Pool